
New York City!

Here is a pictoral tour of some of the sights we enjoyed while in the "Big Apple".
This was the theatre (er?) that housed "The Phantom of the Opera", the longest running show currently on Broadway. It was a delight to see. It exceeded all of our expectations.
Rodgers & Hammerstein Row! Any city that affectionately refers to a city street with this name is ok in my book.

Yes... in case you were wondering, we found the soup restaurant that prompted Jerry Seinfeld to pen the "Soup Nazi" episode in Season 7 of the beloved series. John insisted that we only enter the establishment upon retrievel of our monies & memorization of our order. The problem with his wishes was that we did not have any cash to speak of. After insisting that the cafe would most certainly take VISA (it is 2007 after all) John grudgingly agreed to enter. Besides, I told him, wouldn't it make a great story if we actually got kicked out of the Soup Nazi's restaurant? A much better claim than just to say that we had eaten there right? Either way, we ordered with no difficulties and the soup did not disappoint.

Central Park

Does anyone else think these gates, found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, resemble a similar set used in the Sound of Music's wedding scene? I was stunned by the striking resemblence when I saw them.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Flags surrounding the UN building
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free..."
Ground Zero- (Small Factoid: 2007 will be the first year since 9/11 that the memorial service will NOT be held at Ground Zero due to the construction work that is currently being done.)

NYC Courthouse:
Any idea which famous decorating maven was seen walking up these steps?

Terrible picture, I know (that scaffolding just wouldn't allow for anything better), but we had to capture the "Papaya King" restaurant that Kramer pines for. ("I want a Papaya King hot dog!" -Kramer)

Empire State Building

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