
Smart Growth...

If you know me, you know that I feel passionate about the kind of development that fills our community. I believe that neighborhoods shouldn't *gasp* have walls around them, I think architecture should distinguish your house, not help it blend in, and I think residential areas should be close enough to retail so that residents can walk to more places than just their mailbox. All of these things promote neighbor collegiality, a healthy lifestyle, and an appreciation for our Creator and his magnificent creation. Obviously the majority would disagree with me, but I stand by my position.

Whatever your stance, the Californian did a feature story today on Tehachapi's new "Smart Growth" plan. It includes: pedestrian friendly neighborhoods (unwalled) and a variety of architecture and public spaces. If this interests you, check the article out here. The picture above is an artist's rendering of the new development. Sounds like "Smart Growth" to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Old Huller, Tehachapi branch.