
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks

Happy 9-Day Anniversay to Jason and Jill!

Saturday Sharon and I rode the train to Fresno, which was probably one of the best decisions we have ever made. We made it from Wasco to Fresno in a mere 90 minutes and steered clear of the massive 108 car pile-up that clogged the Northbound lanes of 99 just south of Fresno. We were greeted by Jill upon arrival and then traveled north to the beautiful new apartment that is now the Brooks's residence (Sidenote: I just taught a lesson on singular plural possesives, and I believe it is true that despite a singular word ending in an "s" you would not end the word in an apostrophe. Thus Brooks' is incorrect, and Brooks's is appropriate. If anyone has any light to shed on the issue please feel free.) While at the apartment Sharon and I indulged our inner organizer and helped Jill wash and put away all of her wedding gifts. It was quite a chore to be sure, but we completed the task with a great amount of success.

After Jay returned from work, and John and Bob arrived from the South (they had to take an alternate route to Fresno due to the aforementioned accident). We ordered pizza and watched as the newlyweds opened their remaining wedding gifts. All parties involved ended the evening with a great sense of satisfaction: the wedding festivities were over, the gifts were opened, the house was organized, and the extended Wiebe family had now grown from 5 to 6. The week had been good to all of us, but most especially the new Mr. & Mrs. Brooks.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I've heard that it is sort of a preference thing and both are correct. Who knows really...