
The Two Worst Days of the School Year...

...Halloween and the day after Halloween. Candy and costumes don't seem to mix well with state standards and classroom procedures. Oddly enough, I wrote my first referral for none other than spitwads being catapulted across the classroom using a faux skeleton hand that was used as a stick for a frightful twist on an old favorite... the sucker. Is it Veteran's Day yet?


Jimmie said...

In Sonora the schools have half days on Halloween and take teacher's in service the day after. This year they had teacher's in service on 11/1 and 11/2 to give the kids a four day weekend.

Katie said...
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Katie said...

What a great idea! That was definately not a coincidence.

Jenny said...

Sadly no. I can't wait for my three day weekend.

Jimmie said...

No, it is not a coincidence. The school administrators openly admit they are doing it because they don't want the kids coming to school the next day tired from staying up too late and/or on sugar highs.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

feel ever so thankful. I don't have veteran's day off. Isn't that sad?