
Sorensen Christmas...

Christmas with my mom's family was celebrated on the 21st. We enjoyed a delicious meat dish prepared by Catalano's market in Fresno as well as the traditional Sorensen jello salad. Photo highlights are compiled below...

G. Sue, me, & John. We were showing her the pictures of our new bookshelves on our laptop. Her Christmas money provided the means to purchase them. G. Sue & I are kindred spirits when it comes to decorating, so she appreciated the purchase immensely.

Ben & Kelly taking in the family scenery

Aunt Jan wearing the traditional Santa apron. In order to pass out the presents, you must wear the apron.

G. Sue received an abstract painting from her 5 daughters. My grandma first discovered the artist while on a trip to New Zealand last year and enjoyed one of her paintings so much that her girls had the artist recreate it for her. It depicts a woman holding a small child while sitting on a piano bench. My grandma said that the painting "came alive" for her when she saw it because she remembers doing just that while listening to my mom or one of my aunts play the piano. Now she just has to decide where to put the colorful canvas.
Of course, a good time was had by all.

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