
Newest Project: Compost Bin...

I've been enamored with the idea of composting for quite some time but hadn't done much about it largely due to the initial investment of purchasing a composting bin. I put this wish on my Christmas list, and lucky for me, my Aunt Lori and Uncle Kendall were looking to get rid of theirs, so they said that I could have it...for free! This morning I prepared my first round of brown and green waste and filled the bin. Although I wasn't really a bug-loving kind of kid, I think I might purchase some earthworms to speed up the decomposition process. It will be a great experiment and a boon to our backyard makeover efforts come this summer.

The ingredients

The "Bio-Orb"

Who says a snow shovel isn't necessary in the Central Valley...it makes a great leaf mover

Our old kitchen cabinets sitting atop the leaves I need

A pile of leaves as well as some collected rain water

Bare Feet...John hates it when I work in the yard without tennis shoes on, but he was at practice this morning...

The rolling of the Orb...
In order to mix the wastes you are supposed to roll the orb. The small holes on the sides allow for the new soil to spill out onto the ground slowly, making it easier to spread.


kelly said...

I am very excited to see where this will take you with your yard endeavors. Three cheers for composting! (Quite a far cry from my dear parents' sad attempts at composting...you remember those eggshells in a tray on the kitchen counter...(and the soap bottle with the dress on)...hope that gives you a good laugh.)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of composting! Keep us updated on your progress.