
Bob's Birthday

We celebrated Bob's birthday yesterday with a Crystal Palace brunch, a 5-hour monopoly marathon, and a pizza dinner. (And of course, as usual, a hearty helping of sarcasm & dry humor from the birthday boy :). A good time was had by all.

Bob reading our card. He is a tennis umpire and a few weeks ago his picture landed itself on the front page of the sports section. I saved the photo and made a birthday card out of it.

Bob's tennis umpire survival kit. A gift from all 4 of us.

Our monopoly game.
John won. I think he was the best at making deals and taking everything seriously. It was probably no coincidence that the women exited the game first.

1 comment:

Toni said...

I am totally shocked John won. I mean, when does he ever take board games seriously? :) Looks like you guys had fun!