

...bought me all this:

Insect Lore had a huge sale today, and luckily for me, John's Aunt Susanne called to alert me to the many bargains to be had. I couldn't believe my luck! Everything was so cute & educational I could hardly resist. The books above were only $1, the memory games were $2, and the gardening set and puzzles were $3. But, my very most favorite item was this:

I have been secreting loving these counting birds cards for quite some time, but never pursued them due to their $20 price tag. But today, that all changed when I found them buried under a stack of insect miscellania. The price was not marked, but when I took them to the cashier, I was surprised to find them marked down to a mere $1! Score.


Cheeziemommie said...

oh man I am so bummed I missed out on that sale. we love that place! my parents used to live down the street so we don't get any insider info anymore. congrats on your great deals though!

JHNickodemus said...

Those Counting Birds cards intrest me! They say Wall Art...are you going to put them on the wall?

Katie said...

Definately going on the wall...not sure where yet though. I also have the Martha Stewart vintage alphabet cards vying for wall space, so we'll see.