
Happy due date to us...

...but still no baby.

We decided to take a celebratory approach to the day none-the-less. We ate breakfast at a local favorite, the Red Wagon. Surprisingly, I'd never eaten there before, but we figured the sheer volume & fat content in their food might drive the baby right out...no such luck. Oh well, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast of 2-inch thick by 12-inch in diameter pancakes & scrambled eggs. John finished his pancake, and I ate about 2/3rds of mine...not too shabby we thought. Although it appears as though the old cafe had no magical labor inducing powers, if we catch a hint of an early penchant for large pancakes in our Wee Bee we'll definately know why...


Olive Oyl said...

I can't believe you had never been there before! Yeah for fun breakfast places!

I'm sorry no baby today... :( I told Jill that little guy or gal better hurry up and come or you are going to bake John out of house and home!

I got my Amy Butler sewing books today and I've spent the past hour pouring over them and trying to figure out what to sew first. SO exciting!

JHNickodemus said...

Red Wagon is appropriate for a childs due date! :)

Barbie said...

I just read an article about that place. My step dad grew up in Shafter and used to have a used car lot there, so I tried a few local favorites as a kid, but I don't remember which ones.

Boo for being late. I was so frustrated when I was late. Before you know it though, it'll be hard to remember what life was like before the baby. So excited to see your little one here in blog land. :)