
Henry Houdini...

Henry has now managed to pull his arms free of the straightjacket (er...swaddle blanket). It used to be that he could sleep no longer than an hour or two without the swaddler, but not anymore. He slept a whole 8 1/2 hours last night without his arms tucked in...Good job, Henry!

Oh, and it's pretty obvious that we will be moving him out of his bassinet soon. It's becoming a tad short for our growing boy.


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Elsie can already pull her arms out too, so we not only do the straight jacket, but we also put a receiving blanket around her. Scott calls this "double bagging." I can't wait for the day when she pulls her arms out and can still sleep!

Anonymous said...

How sweet, my Greatgrandmother use to say you knew they were content when they slept like that. He is a handsome little guy.

JHNickodemus said...

Seeing as Henry is still sleeping in the Bassinet, does this mean your choice worked for you? Pros and cons? Im interested to hear!