
Henry's first baseball game!

No, it wasn't the Dodgers...but it was the Fresno Grizzlies...and it was baseball, and that's all that matters. Henry was an absolute gem during the entire game. He stayed awake the whole time and hardly made a peep. It helped that the weather was literally PERFECT, cool enough to be comfortable, with just the right amount of breeze blowing through the stadium. We couldn't have asked for better.

For those of you who may be wondering if John sacrificed score-keeping for Henry holding...here's proof, he did indeed take time DURING the game (as opposed to between innings) to hold his son and introduce him to the joys of baseball.

However, lest you think he sacrificed his score keeping completely you would be mistaken...thank goodness Brian went to the game with us so that John could copy his scorebook after his Henry holding turns were up :)

Henry loves his Aunt Jill

See that lady behind Henry's shoulder?...She and her husband and the other couple they were with loved Henry. They were constantly trying to talk to him and make him laugh. They were pretty funny.

Isn't that the cutest little baseball butt you ever did see?

Jay, Jill, Brian, John, Henry, and me


allie said...

Very cute, I especially love his little baseball outfit!

lorieloo said...

He is getting so dang big! He is so cute and YEAH for good behavior! =)

Sharon said...

The baseball butt is now our screen saver. According to Grandpa Bob it will stay there for awhile. I think I agree.

JHNickodemus said...

Baseball butt wins game.

Anonymous said...

Henry is a little doll, you need to enter him on the cutiest baby.com I love the outfit, I know you must be so proud of him, he is the cutest little guy, enjoy him