
Henry's big boy quilt thus far...

Henry's quilt is coming along quite nicely. In fact, I'm really quite pleased with the way it's turning out! The daddy & grandpa dress shirts combined with the solids are the perfect match, I think. I currently have 24 (16") blocks completed and think I need to make at least 11 more for a total of 35. I was going to cut each block into quarters and then sew them back together to get a very modern, eclectic look (as seen in this tutorial), but I think I like the blocks the way they are, so I plan on leaving them at this point. (Plus, it saves me a whole lot of extra work :)

I'm really enjoying this project so far. It's very fun for me to sew something so special and sentimental. I think I may end up making each of my kids a dress shirt quilt!

**I didn't put much thought into the way I placed the blocks, I just wanted to get a sense of what they would look like all together. So the completed quilt will most likely be arranged differently.


betsy said...


Laura said...

That looks great, Katie!

Jenny said...

Love it! I would
Leave the blocks whole too.