
Week 1...

Week 1 highlights:
  • Charlie is sleeping really well at night right now. He sleeps in stretches of 3-5 hours and then wakes up to eat and goes right back to sleep. His current sleep patterns are allowing me to get plenty of rest each night. (We are under no illusions about sleep habits around here...we know things can change quickly, so we are enjoying these nights while we can).
  • We swaddle Charlie at bedtime and are thinking this is contributing to his stellar sleeping habits.
  • Charlie is a great eater! He was born tongue-tied (so was Henry) which hinders nursing a bit in the beginning, but he seems to be doing well with it now.
  • Charlie eats fairly quickly (especially compared to Henry). If he's all business he can finish a feeding in 10-15 minutes flat.
  • Charlie was circumcised today. John had to work so I had to take him by myself...not a highlight for mom.
  • Weight at the doctor today was 11 lbs. 8.5 ozs. He's already gained 2.5 ozs. since birth!
  • We love our Charlie! It's hard to believe he's only a week old. It feels like he's been part of our family forever.


Suzanne said...

I love these updates! Charlie is doing so well and growing! Oh, my. I also must add that I adore the owl quilt he is on. Congratulations on your sweet family. Having two boys is just perfect. God is good.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to come home again and see him. What a great addition to our family!!

kelly said...

I'm so glad you're able to get sleep! AND so glad that you're able to blog! AAAAND super duper glad that Charlie is doing so well :)

Olive Oyl said...

So glad he seems to be such a great sleeper. And I love, love, love your owl quilt! :)