
In the kitchen...

I stay home all day on Wednesdays, so when I have cooking projects to work on, Wednesdays seem to work out best. Here's what I did today...

I made 6x my spaghetti sauce recipe (actually I made the sauce on Monday) and packaged it into smaller portions using quart size bags. Making one recipe of spaghetti sauce takes almost the exact same effort as making 6 recipes of the sauce...so I make 6. I add ground beef to it and use it for the pizzas that I make every Friday night. I have measured out how much sauce I like on our pizzas and I fill that amount into the ziploc bags. Then I just defrost them and use them when I need them. Couldn't be easier!

I just recently discovered that the wide mouth quart size canning jars are the perfect "stand" for holding up the ziploc bags that I pour into...

My sauce all stacked (this was only half of what I made and we had already eaten a bunch for dinner too)...

My 2 kitchen helpers...

I'm also dabbling in making my own yogurt. I had made it a few times after Henry was born, but boiling the milk was a pain because I kept getting distracted and then I'd boil it too long and it would make a huge mess on the bottom of my pan. I just recently discovered crockpot yogurt making and it couldn't be any easier! You pour a 1/2 gallon of milk in the crockpot, turn it on low for 2 1/2 hours. After 2 1/2 hours you unplug it and let it sit for 3 hours. Then, you whisk in 1/2 cup yogurt (kind of like a sourdough starter) and let it sit wrapped in a towel or blanket for 8 hours. After that, it's DONE! The yogurt is delicious. It's a bit on the runny side, but you could always strain it with a cheese cloth if the texture doesn't work for you...

So that's what's happening around my kitchen. I'm always interested in what other people are cooking, so I thought I'd share what I've been up to :)

1 comment:

Toni said...

Great tip on pouring the sauce into bags! I have been making a list of freezer meals I want to prepare in the next couple weeks, and spaghetti sauce is now on my list.