
Our thankfulness tree...

We've been talking about what it means to be thankful practically non-stop this month. At every meal we write down one thing that we're thankful for.  We try not to have repeats, but sometimes it happens.  I've been itching to add some coral paint to my front room somewhere but have been a bit indecisive about it, so I took all of the coral paint samples that I had accumulated and cut them up and used them as our Thanksgiving notecards.  After we write down our thanksgivings, we clothespin them onto our braches and now we have accumulated quite a few...

Some of my favorite things that Henry has been thankful for are: his little brother Charlie, ambulances, police cars, fire engines, baseball, and grandmas and grandpas (or as he likes to say, damas and dampas).

I took Henry to get his hair cut a few days ago, and while he was sitting in the chair, after a few seconds of silence, he asked our hairdresser, "So, what are you thankful for today?"  It was incredibly precious.  We really need to make a habit out of writing down our thanksgivings, it does wonders for the soul.  I have a few ideas percolating, so we'll see how I do with them.  But for now, our thankfulness tree does the job quite nicely :)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Katie I am thankful for this opportunity to take a peak into your life and watch your precious boys grow up. Seeing young moms like you do such a great job warms my heart. Thank you for sharing!