
2 colors...2 weeks

Well, I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but it's true, 14 days ago I finished painting our family room a lovely light lime green color...and 13 days ago I realized that I lacked a certain delight for the aforementioned color. It wasn't a bad color, it was just that I realized I wanted a more neutral base on my walls so that I could accessorize with color. So...yesterday (less than 2 weeks after the first undertaking) I set out to correct my error. I painted the walls a neutral cream color that matches the hue of the cabinets perfectly. I have promised John that this will be the last time that I will repaint these walls, so now I have to stick to my word, which means that (hopefully) you won't discover any new painting posts for quite some time. For which you are probably very grateful.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hopefully you'll really like this and not have to paint for years.