
An Invconvenient Stunt...or not?

I read an article in today's paper that made me chuckle. Al Gore's son was arrested on speeding and drug charges, but the funny thing is, in the paper's most current issue it discusses the impact of the arrest not on the Gore family, but rather on the fame and fashionableness of the Toyota Prius! Apparently Gore Jr. was able to drive 105 mph in his green cruiser and now the Prius has soared into the headlines for its ability to be both environmentally friendly & fast. This just in time for Gore Seniors' "Live Earth" 8-venue global warming concert extravanganza. Just a funny twist of events that I thought I'd share with you today.

1 comment:

Julie said...

check out my new blog: julerton.blogspot.com

Sounds like good press for Prius.