
Teacher's Pet...

So I have a student...we'll call her "Pam". She stayed after school one day to help me and as she was working with me it was revealed that she wanted to be "the teacher's pet" this year. I chuckled at the idea of her revealing these desires to me, but instead of stopping there, she continued on... "'Angela' was the teacher's pet last year," she told me, "But she was a shoo in because her dad, 'Mr. Shrute' works here". I asked her how she knew that "Angela" was the teacher's pet, and she told me that it was "obvious". I didn't ask her to elaborate on the obviousness of the distinction, so I was left to use my imagination. So, just in case you were wondering, I have a self-proclaimed teacher's pet this year. She is serving the role well as she stays after school on Fridays and helps me correct tests and file papers. I'll keep you posted if there are any challenges made to the position.

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