
Another funny reminder...

...of my worst childhood fear. I believe I've written about this once (or twice) before, but the reminders just don't end. Today at work I received the flyer below. It is from the Kern County Fire Department and requests that all the classrooms in Kern County have their students prepare a fire escape plan. I might just assign it to my students and complete one myself, it may allow me to deal with my repressed fear of losing my home to an all-consuming inferno. (The other funny part about the flyer is that it offers the participants the opportunity to be included in a drawing for a whole-class pizza party...this is funny because Kern County is rather large, with an area larger than that of Connecticut, which means it includes hordes of schools, so the odds of winning a pizza party are rather slim...Knowing this, I am wondering why the creator of the announcement decided to underline the phrase "one classroom". This seems to suggest to me that they want to draw attention to the improbable odds of winning, which in turn would discourage teachers from participating...not very well thought out.)

(Sorry for the crummy picture...I was too lazy to scan the flyer)

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