
Completed Project: Frenchy Bag #2...

I just finished my second Amy Butler Frenchy bag. It looks nice when you stand about 3 feet away, but up close there are a number of imperfections (obviously this bothers me). The last seam I sewed gave me fits, so I had to settle for completion rather than perfection. Hopefully I'll get over this soon.

The completed bag

Close Up

Top portion of the bag (the seam that connects the top and bottom portions of the bag was the thorn in my side all night)

Top view

Interior with pockets

The one thing that I am proud of...a beautiful metal clasp.


Olive Oyl said...

I love those bags! I have never sewn with a pattern but those look so fun I just may have to attempt a new project!

How do you find time to sew all this stuff?! I feel like I'm dragging home papers to grade every night and all weekend... Only 4 more months 'til summer... hopefully then I'll get to the long list of projects I hope to complete!

Jenny said...

I love the fabrics together. I'd like to try that bag this summer. My list of projects for summer are piling up in my head.

Katie said...

Yes, these bags are very fun. The handbag was easier for me than the shoulder bag, just because I wasn't wrestling with as much fabric. As far as finding time to sew, I refuse to bring work home (if I can help it), which makes for more free time in the evening. John is usually gone at night with basketball practice, so I have to do something to keep myself occupied. I rarely watch T.V., and I just find the sewing the be very therapeutic. Oh, and I also don't have any kids to take care of. That helps too :)