
Dog Update...

Ok, so, Bob and Sharon went on a walk and stopped by tonight. They inquired about our dog issues, so we went outside to show them what was going on. We told them our biggest concern has been the uncertainty about the dog's whereabouts. If he was under the house we didn't want to block all of the entrances for fear of killing the dog, but if he was out, then we did want to block them...so complicated. But, to our surprise, when we walked outside, John looked in our crawl space hole and saw this:

...the dog! Not only was he out from under the house, but he was contained in that small area with no way to get out. Score! So, we did what any humane person would do, we brought him some food and water. The only problem was, we had no pet food (or human food for that matter, I'll be making a big grocery trip tomorrow). So we gave him what we had on hand: marshmallows and kashi cereal.

Not just any kashi cereal though, it was of the Good Friends variety. We had a whole box of this cereal because John and I have always gotten a kick out of the pictures on the cover of the box, and we've always been puzzled as to why you would call a cereal Good Friends. So, he bought me this box awhile back as a joke. We weren't sure if our doggie friend would dig it, but he scarfed it down in no time flat. (After he finished all of the marshmallows of course). Just for the record, John and I are big kashi fans, we just hadn't ever tried this particular cereal, and actually, I didn't mind it so much.

We'll call animal control in the morning to have the puppy picked up, and hopefully, that will be the end of our doggy drama.

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