
The arrangement...

John and I have a little meal preparation arrangement that seems to work out quite well for us. John prepares the breakfast & packs the lunches, while I manage the dinners. John's breakfasts usually consist of smoothies, eggs & toast, oatmeal, cereal, or any bread product that has recently been baked. While the lunches usually consist of fruit & leftovers or sandwiches. Dinners run the gamut. Either way, we're happy with our arrangement. Who does the cooking in your house?

Last week's dinner: Chicken enchilladas & refried beans (no vegetable that night...oops)


Toni said...

Well, considering I wake up at the crack of dawn (actually, no, before that!) breakfast is on our own. I usually eat at work and judging from the glass left on the counter when I get home, Peter usually drinks chocolate milk. Lunch is out together once a week and leftovers or sandwiches the rest of the week (also prepared on our own--we are very particular!). Dinner is all me and dishes are all Peter!

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Breakfast at our house is fend for yourself! Scott eats on the way to work, I normally don't eat until my planning time at work, and Emily demands for "a snack and a drink" the moment she wakes. Lunch consists of a healthy choice pizza or panini for both scott and me, and Emily has a great meal prepared by Shari (the lady who watches her, and is amazing.)

I cook dinner. That is my time. I love it. (Especially because I don't do the dishes when I am done!)