I just finished the book,
Plenty, by Alisa Smith & J.B. MacKinnon. It was a memoir of sorts. A look at one couple's commitment to eating food grown within a 100-mile radius of their home. I'm developing quite a fondness for local food, although don't have much to show for it myself at this point. We'll see where this affection takes me. But for now, I love reading about it, and am constantly insired by people who are willing to challenge themselves in the midst of a society that promotes excess & indulgence. It's a good read.
Hurray! Someone else who's read this! I saw your blog post title while checking in on the Wiens' and thought, "I wonder if she's talking about the book?" I actually, right after reading the book, did a 100-mile diet for my family for a whole month (it was in August if you want to read my posts). I gave myself a little wiggle room but it was a great experiment and I now buy much more local because of it!
Sorry, it was my "green" update post in Sept. that I wrote about it.
Jamie...I am going to check out your blog right now. I love local food!
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