
More Henry...


Sharon said...

Oh, how I love that boy!

Suzanne@NotesfromthePatch said...

He just gets cuter every day. Really. How is that possible? Don't you just want to eat those checks?

lorieloo said...

HOpe I didn't scare your husband too much with the "oh my gosh I know you!" yesterday=) Your little Henry is so darling and I'm glad I got to see him in person! Good to reconnect with you!

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

What a cutie! Hey Katie, is that one of those special swaddling contraptions, and if so, does it work well? Scott and I are thinking of trying one with Elsie. She likes to be swaddled, but seems to pull her arms out no matter what we do! :)

Katie said...

Malisa, we LOVE the special swaddle blanket. In fact, we have 3 of them. It's the only way we put Henry to sleep. He likes it too, it helps him stay asleep longer because he doesn't wake himself up by flailing his arms around. I would highly recommend it.