
18 weeks...

With stuffed animal:

18-week highlights:
  • This past week marked Henry's first trip to the nursery. (He's been left multiple times with Grandma Gail, Grandpa Royce, Grandma Sharon, & Grandpa Bob, but never with a non-family member). He went to the nursery at church 3 times (twice while I was at exercise, and once during Sunday School) and then once during Community Bible Study. He did rather well during each stay. The reports from the babysitters were positive. He fussed a little and drooled a lot...but that was to be expected.
  • Henry has been chewing on his tongue and sticking it out more often than before.
  • I've officially decided than Henry is teething. No teeth yet, and I know it can take awhile, but all signs point to this.
  • Henry enjoys playing in the exersaucer at both grandparents' houses.

1 comment:

Colette said...

Katie -- I had to chuckle at the weight -- our little Avery (14 months) is weighing in at a whopping 19 pounds!