
Orange Picking...

Last Saturday, those who could make it, gathered at Grandpa Art & Grandma Donna's house to harvest their oranges. They have a huge tree, which means picking it is a huge job. Oftentimes this task is undertaken during the Christmas festivities, but apparently the oranges were ready a bit later this year than in years past. So, a mid-January orange picking date it was. Truth be told I personally only picked close to 20 oranges, but between making sure Henry stayed far away from the road and holding him while he was scared of the orange-picker, there wasn't much time left for picking oranges. Oh well, there's always next year...when we will have 2 kids to worry about. Yeah, probably not going to be much help in 2012 either. I can't do it all, I guess :)

On to the pictures...

John's warm-up...picking the tangerine tree:

the cutest orange-picker (just ask his mother ;)

The HUGE tree:

I have already been making my very favorite orange dish of all: plain yogurt, homemade granola, and fresh Penner oranges. It is really the perfect meal.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Glad you are finally able to enjoy those oranges!