
21 months...

21-month highlights:
  • Henry has recently become interested in having me (& John sometimes too) kiss his injuries. It's amazing how quickly he bounces back from a rather rough fall after a few strategically placed kisses. I won't lie...I'm a pretty big fan of this new development :)
  • Henry's 2 favorite things are balls and animals. He seems to prefer the animals in books and on the computer to the ones he sees in real life, but that's ok.
  • Cows are still his favorite animal, but he loves to make lots of different animal sounds: dog, cat, cow, horse, lion, tiger, donkey, rooster, sheep, and pig are some of his current favorite sounds to make.
  • Henry seems to be doing better in the nursery at church lately. One of the reasons might be that he has discovered the nursery's selection of animal books. He loves to have the Jr. High girls that help in the nursery read books with him and then impresses them with his animal sounds.
  • Henry loves juice! We try to limit him to a couple of cups per day, but boy does he love it! I think he would consume all of his calories in liquid form if we would let him.
  • Henry's current favorite things to eat are: granola, raisins, most fruit, fresh squeezed orange juice, most meat, peanut butter, pretzels, crackers, marshmallows (from Grandpa Bob & Grandma Sharon), and Grandpa Royce's (chocolate) smoothies.
  • Henry dislikes eggs, beans, and most vegetables, but we're working on it.
  • I wouldn't say that Henry is a very big eater. He loves to snack (just like his dad) but he rarely eats tons at mealtime. When he is in a new setting he eats even less than he usually does because he is too busy watching what's going on around him.
  • I have been working on trying to get Henry to take his naps on my bed without walking him to sleep in the stroller. Some days I have great success with this, and other days, not so much. I'm hoping this will help him transition into a big boy bed and will also help facilitate a little less labor intensive nap routine. We'll see.
  • Henry hasn't been sleeping through the night lately. Bummer. He usually wakes sometime between 3 and 4 and ends up sleeping with us until we get up in the morning. To be honest, I feel like we have a few big transitions coming up for him (move to a big boy bed, potty training, & a new sibling to boot) so I haven't bothered to work on breaking this waking up in the middle of the night habit. That will come later.
  • Henry seems to have become very aware of the state of his diaper. If it is wet or dirty, he will often come to me and point to his diaper. After our bathroom remodel is done, we plan to begin the initial stages of potty training.
  • John and I are both so impressed with how well Henry is finally settling into his nighttime routine. This consists of: bath, brush teeth, pj's, books, pray, rock & sing. We are finally to the point where we can lay Henry down fully awake and he will be able to fall asleep on his own. It's taken awhile to get to this point, but I find that between John, Henry, and I, slow transitions seem to really work for us. Whether this is the case for baby #2 remains to be seen.
  • Henry is so very helpful. He is really good at picking up his toys when he is asked. The nursery lady at church even commented to me about how good he is with clean-up time. She said she usually has to force the older kids to help, but Henry helps as soon as she starts to clean. (Obviously this is music to his mother's ears :)
  • Henry is a very observant child. In any new situation he likes to hang back and watch what's going on before he participates.
  • Henry seems to be very intuitive. He notices when the corners of my kitchen rugs get flipped over and always makes sure to flip them back to their proper place. He has also been known to run ahead of me while I vacuum and pick up his toys before I get to them. I never ask, he just seems to know what to do and does it. I hope we can really nurture this characteristic in him because it is really quite charming.
  • Henry has seen his share of timeouts & spanks, but overall he is such a delight! We love our Henry :)


Toni said...

He is so, so cute.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how much he is growing! Great photography too, Katie :)