
38 weeks...

We tried to get one of Henry standing under my belly (he fits perfectly under there!) but this was the best we could get. Not a very flattering stance, but it'll work for posterity's sake.
I'm 3 cm dilated and my doctor says that I could go into labor any day now. (She also said this to me on starting on April 1st with Henry...his birthday is April 29th!) We'll see.


betsy said...

i think that doctors are full of empty promises... :)

Suzanne said...

Happy that the weather is staying unseasonably cool. Can't wait to see what we get. I'm thinking a boy on June 5th.

kelly said...

Come out, baby W.!

Christa Wiens said...

Yeah, I got that promise at 5cm with Charlotte. 3 weeks later...
Hoping yours is sooner :) And can you even see Henry down there? lol