
Because sometimes...

 ...choosing just one picture doesn't tell the whole story...

Example #1:

I wanted a picture of the 3 kids with Grandpa Bob & Grandma Sharon.  Taking one at the beach just wasn't a guarantee, so a picture of the kids in the their pj's was good enough for me.

Looks like Grandpa Bob is about to drop Charlie here, but really Charlie is grabbing Henry's hair and is being pulled back by grandpa...

Henry is crying because his hair got pulled...

Grandpa Bob is trying to console him because we.must.get.the.picture!

Henry sort of snaps out of it...

Looking pretty good, but Henry still has a bit of snarl...

Looking pretty good here...

We finally get Henry to smile!...

Charlie's getting squirmy...

And yes, this one will do!...

Example #2

An attempt at a picture of the 3 kids on the grass...

Charlie wants nothing to do with the picture.  He is more interested in his spoon...

And Charlie walks away...

He's back, with spoon in hand...

but he doesn't stay for long...

We try to entice him to sit on the blanket by giving him the basketball...

He rolls it away...

Aunt Jill brings it back and tries to get him to sit still.  Henry plays with Ruby...

 Charlie just wants to tackle the ball...

Boys practice their sports picture posing...

Oh man, now Henry's gone...

Charlie is happy he has the ball to himself...

And now Ruby's the only one left.  We finally decide to let the boys win.  We were done taking pictures!

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