
From the pens of 5th graders...

We've been working on outlining in class. I couldn't think of a topic for my students to outline, so I thought it might be interesting to have them outline their thoughts about me...very interesting indeed. Here are 2 of the most "complimentary" samples (sarcasm intended):

So, according to this student I "smell like a football" and I am "nice like his dog".
Has there ever been a higher compliment given?

Here we see that another student finds me "as loud as an earthquake"
and "as loud as a whale". Flattering.
Along with the outlining we are working on descriptive language. I think these boys are on the right track, but I might need to talk to them about a girl's aversion to being compared to footballs, dogs, earthquakes, and whales. I guess that's next week's lesson...


W.R. Shafter said...

This is fantastic. I think you may have a poet on your hands. Loud like an earthquake - diffuse clanging and rumbling - what a great expression. You must have a god-like presence in the classroom to inspire such thoughts.

timidvenus said...

i assume the frst kid meant "shirts", but i read it over and over for the humor.

very funny.

-sara woody

Katie said...

You know, I didn't even notice the "shirts" mistake...now the outline seems to be even funnier.

Anonymous said...

The "shirts" thing was the first thing that I noticed. I love the loud comments, especially the one about the whale. Hilarious! Jenny

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

I also noticed the "shirts" first. Too funny. Have I ever sent you the picture of the scizzors by a kindergartener? You need to see that.

Katie said...

No, I've never seen the "scizzors" picture. If you think about it, send it my way.