Henry wanted to take a picture by the door today too...
I'm 4-5cm dilated and my doctor said she can stretch me to a 6, but I still haven't had any intense/regular contractions. Hopefully they will start soon though! I have kept up with my twice weekly aerobics class throughout the duration of this pregnancy, and I even went today! I was hoping it would cause my water to break, but no such luck. Sharon went to aerobics on her due date with Jill, and gave birth the next day, maybe that's how things will work out for me too. We'll see.
My aunt made me laugh hysterically and that is how my water broke. Now you just need to find something really funny! :)
I have been thinking about you guys all week. Hopefully Baby Wiebe #2 makes his/her appearance soon! (as in....today or tomorrow :))
Happy due date to you!! This picture makes me smile. You are SO cute! And so is Henry sitting at your feet examining the picture on his shirt--but it seems like he's looking at his belly.
I'm changing my vote....that looks like a baby boy belly! Or maybe that's just how you "do" pregnancy. I've heard Castor Oil really works....though I've never been brave enough to try it! :)
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