
What Henry's up to...

Not too much going on around here, but lest anyone think that the baby has arrived, I figured I had better post something...

Lately Henry has rediscovered his "laptop" that he received for his first birthday from Grandpa Royce & Grandma Gail. John and I like to use our computers on the couch, and to attempt to be somewhat more ergonomically correct, we usually put our laptops on top of pillows while we type/read blogs. Henry likes to put his laptop on dishtowels on his lap while he works. Funny.

John and Henry have a new game they play together. They each set up a goal in the family room and they they roll the ball towards the goal to try and score. All Henry really cares about though is the fact that he gets to raise his arms up in the air and yell, "Goal!". I'm glad the ball I made Henry is being put to good use (not that I had any doubts).

the end.


Jill V said...

Aw, Cade's birthday was the 7th and I was hoping you'd have the baby then as well! Hope you're feeling well, and can't wait to meet him/her!!!

Nancy said...

You're right, Katie, I keep checking your blog, wondering if today is THE day!