
Halloween part 2...

We didn't see Grandpa Royce & Grandma Gail on Halloween, so we trick-or-treated at their house (& Grandma Net's) yesterday...

This time, Henry did not go as Matt Kemp, but instead went as a 49er football player! We were just given this costume as a hand-me-down yesterday, and as you might imagine, it is a HUGE hit with Henry. He hasn't let the helmet out of his sight yet. He even wanted to sleep with it...

Aunt Kelly went trick-or-treating at Grandma Net's house with us...

After Grandma Net's it was over to my parents, although Grandma Gail was the only one home. Grandpa Royce was busy with cotton picking so he got there late. No big deal, I think Henry's going to wear this costume every day until he outgrows it...

Grandma Gail got Henry an elmo sticker book and Charlie a teething ring. Perfect!

The boys in costume...

Don't worry, I'm sure this 49er uniform will make many more appearances on the blog. He is pretty much obsessed with it. He even wore it to church tonight (with helmet) for dinner. And, to top it off, he packed his football in his backpack so that he would have all of the right equipment with him. Henry never wants to be caught unprepared!

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